Saturday, June 29, 2013

Summer Time

In Texas, Summer time is called find water, any kind of water, or you will die of the heat. So that is what we do. Degan wants to go to the pool everyday. He has gotten so good at swimming and venturing out on his own. He wears a life jacket and now will go under the water. Mason, he is still crazy. I have to convince him to put his floaties on by letting him drown himself a couple times and the he will put them on. And he is still not scared of the water. Which make mom very scared.  On Monday our community pool is closed for maintenance so we have to find other sources of water.  There are splash pads all over. We have been trying to pick a different one each week. That has been fun too.

In a couple of weeks we are going to Emmett for a very long visit. Everyday Degan asks if we are going today. I will say "in a couple more weeks," and he says every time "like a hundred more days". It just can't come fast enough for him.

Houston Temple
 Family Time at the Houston Temple

 Mason's Birthday!

 Count down to see Grandpa and Grandma. For Father's Day everyone got 49ners shirts.

 Mason's early Birthday present from Aunt Anna.

 Getting ready for the pool!

 Family vacation in South Padre Island.

 Our first craw-fish feed. Mason loved them.

We babysat a neighbors fish and the boys loved it!

Degan's transformer birthday! The cake tasted much better than it looked. 

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

My Blog shut me out.

So I tried to post some things a while ago but my blog shut me out. And it is very hard for me to keep this up. I am not sure why but it is. We are great! We had a good Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years. All very relaxed and quite. That is not normal for us. Here are some things we did in between.
They are chronological backwards!
I was a vendor at a Rodeo. And no one was there. I it was a total bust for me but they had a petting zoo and the kids got to play with the animals.

 At first Mason wouldn't touch anything. Then we go him to hold the baby chick. After that he wouldn't leave it a long. He would chase it around and pick it up, not softly. So he had to be done.

 They had pony rides. It took Degan along time to get on. And he wouldn't let the guy take him into the arena  they had set up for the rides. But there is my little cowboy.

 Mason and the bunny!

 Degan's School Christmas Program. I was really nervous that he wouldn't get up there. But he did great. My baby is growing up. So sad. tear, tear!

 Trip 2 to the Zoo. It is so big. We have gone twice and I don't think we have seen everything.

 Craig's work Christmas Party was on The Southern Empress on Lake Conroe. The lake is like 15 Miles long. It is big. I think that is where they play in the water.

 We had Thanksgiving dinner at one of Craig's coworkers house. And we had a pinata. I think that should be a new tradition.

 First trip to the zoo!

And that is the last two Months!

Saturday, November 10, 2012

November 9th in Texas

Darcia called me yesterday to inform me that it had snowed in Emmett. I know that it had snowed earlier in Pocatello. A neighbor that has two girls the same age as my boys and I took our kids to the Houston Aquarium. It was lots of fun. The best exhibit was a white tiger. I know that is a little different. They did have lots of fish, alligators, and turtles too. There was a big snapping turtle, sea horses and snakes also. I do like snakes. Outside the aquarium was a splash pad. So while it's snowing in Idaho we are playing in the water. I wasn't prepared for water so the kids played in there clothes and had to drive home naked. It was lots of fun. And we got out of the house a little. Craig did have the day off but he went golfing.

The tiger

Playing in the water

Mason talking to the tiger.

While you had snow this is what we were doing!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Dead Camera

My camera was dead the night of our ward Halloween Party. Its not a big deal because the boys didn't want to wear their costumes. Degan did put his on to trunk or treat, but Mason wouldn't at all. But Wednesday I will make them put them on if only for pictures. Here are some pictures of Degan on the tractor with Uncle Terry and Mason waiting for the combine and grandpa, playing in the corn. They are doing a lot of road construction around and anytime we go anywhere Mason says "tractor, tractor" over and over. It is really cute. And just to remind everybody I am not good at this blogging thing so bear with me!

Saturday, October 27, 2012

And Here we have Id... I mean TEXAS!!!!

I know I told everyone that I wasn't going to blog, but post everything on Facebook. Well I didn't like doing that so I started a new blog. Mostly because I couldn't remember the password to the other one. First things first, we miss everyone. Degan talks about friends and family all the time. It is sad, but I know that we will settle in and make new friends. We will never forget our old ones! My house is a mess and I still can't find anything. As soon as I find the cord to my camera I will show some pictures.